Friday, May 11, 2012

What are the odds?

      I've been commuting to work by bike for a couple weeks now.. I only do it once or twice a week.. Early this week as I was biking home.. my route heads west.. I had to stop at a railroad crossing.. because of a freight train.. at about 4 miles into my ride.. about 6 miles later I had to stop in downtown Belmont for another train heading west.. Now this is a freight train.. with about 70 to 100 train cars.. then at the same spot another train heading east.. then the train heading west stopped.. right in the middle on the road.. I waited a couple of minutes.. but the train never moved.. all cars & me were making u-turns.. as I finish my bike commute home.. I thought to myself.. What are the odds of getting stopped by the same train.. with in 30 minutes.. as you travel home.. I say slim to none.. even by car let alone a bike.. most of my rides are uneventful.. which is good.. all I'm trying to do is save some money.. get some exercises..  Have a great day.. Be safe..