Sunday, February 26, 2012

"I Had The Million Dollar Suitcase"

   This weekend was my son Kevin's birthday.. He turned 14 on Saturday.. He was busy with friends so we planned on getting together on Sunday.. Sunday started out awesome.. as I was going to get my coffee I found $5.00 in the middle of the road.. I thought to myself.. today is going to be a great day.. Spending time with my kids is always awesome.. So my kids and I went to Sports Connection.. we are trying to save our tickets for a big prize.. so we play a variety of games to big amounts of tickets.. So we are playing our last game together..The 4 of us.. Kevin, Conner, Kellie, & I... Its "Deal Or No Deal".. So as they shuffle the suitcases.. Kellie's say's "7".. so we picked it..we picked 5 suit cases.. first deal was 35.. no deal..pick 4 suitcases.. second deal 36.. no deal.. we all took turns picking suit cases.. over my left shoulder "Kevin say's" we got the jackpot.. So we wittle down to the last to suitcase.. one with 3 tickets or jackpot of 200 tickets.. The deal was for a 101 tickets.. We took the deal.. to much to lose.. but we had the JACKPOT.. of 200 tickets.. Imagine if we were on the game show.. "Deal or No Deal".. A Million Dollars.. As we left Sports Connection I added the tickets up.. we are at 1,325 tickets.. Its fun working together for a prize.. I had a great weekend.. Hope you did... Be Safe...